Please provide the following information:
Term of entry: *
Please indicate which campus you would like to attend: *
Must be 9 characters. Currently Entered: 1 characters.
Academic Information:
Transfer Students only(enter the information below if you have completed 12 or more credits):
College 1
College 2
College 3
College 4
College 5
College 6
College 7
Seven is the most colleges you can enter in this form
List Awards/Honors (High School & College):
Intent/goals (please check one in each column that applies.)
Do you plan to: *
Please indicate which four are most important to you as a potential honors student: *
Using complete sentences, please answer the following questions within the word limits provided. We suggest you compose your responses in word processing software and paste them into the boxes provided:
I certify that all information supplied on this application is accurate and complete. My electronic signature below acknowledges that I have read and accepted the admissions requirements for the Honors Program.